This bingo card has a free space and 37 words: Beatdown scene, Dog dies, Character drinks, Stardust crusaders plays, Character explains their power, Character just introduced dies, Manly tears, Villain claims they have no weaknesses, Someone shouts for no reason, Seriously injury and survives, Character you like dies, Fan service, Music reference, Villain begs for mercy, Snapple cap fact / science lesson, Color change, “Good Grief”, “Oh my God”, Someone gets a new ability (act stands ect), Someone is Sexist, Sexual harassment, Punched through the stomach, Polnareff separated from group, Tarot card, Egyptian god, Jojo Pose, Crossover from another part, “Ora”, Someone explaining what we are seeing, Fight commentary, Sound effect on screen, The narrator speaks, “Go (ability)”, “Enemy stand user”, Palnareff mentions his backstory, New country and Something VERY gay happens.
Diamond is Unbreakable (JJBA Part 4) | FINTAN'S DnD Bingo Card | MD Ep 6 Bingo | FINTAN'S DnD Bingo Card | The Magnus Theatre Bingo
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