Tax Season Bingo

Tax Season Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 30 words: Client Asks You to Commit a Crime, Fired a Client, Client asks about return 1 day after sending their initial docs, Client complains about price, 1095-A Rejected, Client can't figure out the portal, I formed an LLC so I could deduct my expenses, "I don't have to report my cash right?", Client tells you how to do your job, "It's the Same as Last Year" SALY, "It's Just a simple return", "I have more deductions if we need them, Client smells like Cigarettes or hasn't bathed in a week, Searching for lost file, Client sends you Jpegs/PNGs, I did my taxes with Turbo Tax and I owe or I am getting less money back, "I need this return done ASAP so I can get a mortgage", Client can't find office, "I already gave that to you" (but they didn't), Canopy glitch, Client emails docs with SSN showing, Client asks for status update twice in same week, Client asks you why you need something you've requested, Client reeks of too much perfume/cologne, I didn't get my tax organizer, "I don't do the computer", Have to kick everyone out to update Drake, Client brings in one more document after return efiled, "Jake Knows" and Why didn't you include xx. (Never provided us xx).

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