2024 UD Bingo Card

2024 UD Bingo Card Bingo Card

This bingo card has 36 words: Angeline loses another personal belonging, Someone gets a boyfriend (besides Maddy), Angeline drinks for the first time, Someone makes out with someone random at a frat, Jonathan breaks up with his girlfriend, Maddy gets another beard rash, Someone gets injured, David and Giuliana hang out, Someone rides a mechanical bull, Fire alarm goes off while Giuliana is in the shower, We make guy friends, Someone gets a nasty hickey, Someone has a pregnancy scare, We make Maddy a cake..., We go on a beach trip, Someone throws up (except Baxter), Amnesty gets called, Someone goes to the hospital, Maddy and Vinny start dating, Angeline and Maddy become Munsons, Giuliana self-diagnoses herself with an illness, Maddy doesn't use all of her dining points, Giuliana uses up all of her points, We go off-campus, Someone gets walked in on, Baxter gets straight A's, Baxter does Molly or cocaine, Angeline blocks her ex, Someone gets drunk and has a breakdown, Chased by the police, Maddy gets the room for a night, Abby and Ella find their emotionally unavailable men, Abby makes out with Ronith, North x South Jersey crossover, Long Island trip and Baxter gets 500 Days of Summer-ed.

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