ZLG Staff Mtg

ZLG Staff Mtg Bingo Card

This bingo card has 2 images and 28 words: Background used on Teams, Someone gets skipped in obrigato, A non-presenter interjects with a question, Dog makes appearance on camera, Cat makes appearance on camera, Late arrival (after 9:05), Avatar appearance, Someone turns off camera, JMC pokes fun at Jake, EML is wearing pink, Free!, DK speaks Spanish / Spanglish, Meme from Spongebob, Mic is not muted (on accident), SAV gets off topic, PFH slow exaggerated clap, Bad positioned camera (half the face, etc.), Snacks / goodies in kitchen, Mate date mentioned, Snow is mentioned, Someone is drinking coffee/tea, Someone is eating something, Child makes appearance on camera, Spring is mentioned, ZLG East is mentioned, ZLG Main is mentioned, Rose Garden is mentioned and PFH "bored" look.

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