State of the Union 2024

State of the Union 2024 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 67 words: "Democracy is on the ballot", *gibberish*, "MAGA republicans", "C'mon, man!", "Corporate greed", "Paying their fair share", *coughs*, *Forgets what he is talking about*, "Bidenomics", "My wife, Jill", "Border is secure", "Shrinkflation", "Jan06 insurrection", *10sec+ pause*, "Ukraine", *whispers*, *Talks about Beau*, "LGBTQIA+ rights", "Here's the deal", *takes credit for something he didn't do*, "Record economic growth", *trips*, "Climate change", *mispronounces a name*, *roomba*, *anecdote in childhood*, "Too bad, nikki", "Let's do this", *says a chinese proverb*, "Attack on democracy", "Taylor Swift", "Insulin", "The other guy", "we care deeply about the people of Gaza", "Putin is a madman", "My dad once said", "fake news", "blocking the border bill", "Let me be clear", *farts*, "Extremist", "Make no mistake", *Blames Trump*, "White nationalism", "Diversity is our strength", *speech is shorter than 50min*, "Finish the job!", "There's more work to do", "Student loan debt", "Look/listen here, folks", "God love ya", *camera zooms on MTG*, *kamala laughing too long*, "Malarkey", "Build back better", *stumbles over basic words*, "Xenophobia", "Assault weapons ban", "New world order", *praises WEF*, *shows troon soldier*, "Listen here, Jack", *lies about jobs he made*, "Son died in Iraq", "Marched with MLK", "Cure for cancer" and "Dark Brandon".

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 19 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 6 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.