This bingo card has 36 words: Quin wears funky earrings, Felicity said ‘hello friends’ this week, You remember you need to do your journals for this week, You have sent out your invitations, You are in full school uniform today, You have an LTI, Created an LTI anthropology, Uploaded evidence to your portfolio this week, Added to a class playlist, Arrived on time every day this week, Ran a Check-in/Check-out this term, Has used maths online this term, Read a novel this term, Answered your essential question, The person next to you is wearing Doc’s, You have dyed your hair at some point in your life, Made a trip to Franks today, Said hi to Po today, You drank water today, Interacted with a wizard cave member today(ADV 7), Had a fun check-in this morning, Made a toastie in the advisory this week, Made tea in the advisory this week, Cleaned your dishes from the sinks, Have remembered to take evidence of SAPG or LTI this term, Your advisor had a coffee this morning, The cutlery in your advisory has been disappearing, Scored the hive bean bag for town hall, Had a random lunch this week, Have witnessed the David Tenennt shrine, Were featured in TGIF’s last edition, Have at least three plants in your advisory, Have at least three dead plants in your advisory, Have your student profile up in the advisory, Have a strange advisory item and Have an advisory tradition.
April Advisory Bingo | Virtual Happy Hour BINGO | OBS | Virtual Happy Hour BINGO | SIUC Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.