This bingo card has 25 words: aggressive “austin!!”, shawna tells austin he needs a haircut, jack talks about what he wants to do when he grows up (mentions tech/business), shawna brings up med school, shawna brings up austin’s career, mentions of future disney trip, greg has emotional jimmy buffet-fueled moment, shawna lecture results in a small greg comment at the end, greg says “yes dear”, shawna complains about drive down, shawna tells austin to put sunscreen on, mentions of future road trip, jack talks about fortnite, jack gives a side hug, shawna gives a sarcastic “okay…”, shawna speed walks, shawna talks about how undervalued she is at school, anyone asks austin to diagnose something, shawna brings out the roadtrip map, baacke family becomes food reviewers, greg scoffs, jack is hungry every five minutes, ethan wears the newsboy cap, jack talks about shoes and jack doesn’t care.
MR HEAD BINGO | Clayton King Bingo | Positivity Bingo | Scary Larry Bingo | Surviving Christmas
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