This bingo card has a free space and 62 words: Has the same birth month as you, Has never traveled outside of Canada, Has broken a bone, Is the oldest sibling, Has at least 25 unread messages, Was born in a different province / country, Went to a concert in the past year, Is the youngest sibling, Is an only child, Someone who has has braces, Has dyed their hair before, Someone who is left-handed, Someone who is vegan / vegetarian, Has more than 3 pets, Has an allergy, Who was born on a holiday, Has been to Disneyland or Disneyworld at least 3 times, Enjoys pineapple on pizza, Doesn't know how to whistle, Has a pet that is not a cat or a dog, Watches anime, Is wearing black, Wears socks to sleep, Can play an instrument, Has a favorite sports team, Can juggle, Saw "Barbie" in theatres, Has a tattoo, Loves to cook or bake, Has a read a book in the last month (that was not for school!), Is a morning person, Saw "Dune" or "Dune 2" in theatres, Is a night person, Enjoys musicals / has seen a musical live, Enjoys hiking or climbing, Has met a celebrity, Collects something, Interested in true crime, Has performed on stage before, Meditates or does yoga, Doesn't like spicy food, Loves spicy food, Has traveled solo before, Has solved a Rubik's cube, Has been to a costume party, Knows how to snowboard or ski, Has a math course this semester, Took a math course last semester, Has English this semester, Took English last semester, Has canoed before, Is in the Equity club, Is in the Social Justice SHSM, Has a spare this semester, Does not have a spare this semester, Has volunteered for a cause, Someone whose name starts with the same letter as you, Feeling okay about midterms, Not feeling the best about midterms...(good luck!), Has a part-time job, Saw "Oppenheimer" in theatres and Can lick their elbow.
alexia's icebreaker bingo | Get to know you BINGO | The Most Dangerous Game: Find someone who... | Meet the Class | Pickens Family Reunion
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.