This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: no thoughts head empty, animal affinity (furry adjacent), 3 million crafting hobbies and wants more, massive to-read list, sexuality? never heard of her, indie folk music <3, occasional floor eater, barely a gamer, once rambling has started, there's no going back, theater kid!, pile of WIPs, Sure I'll do [thing]! Forgets to do [thing], eats anything, it's probably fine, watches horror games but never plays, small but mighty collection of plushies, TTRPGer who cannot find a consistent group, cat supremacy, doesn't drink coffee, doing art my beloved, deep need to decorate everything with stickers, bursts of silly, small item collection of assorted "junk", keeps getting called an "old soul" and Intense grandma and small child energy.
Nintendo Direct Bingo | victor beango | Riddle Me This | Riddle Me This | Riddles
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