Best Friends Bingo

Best Friends Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: King says something in Swedish, Daniel makes a "Eh-heh" laugh in disbelief, Chris hate ssomething outlandish someone else said, Hannah says "WHAT?!", Jared says something everyone hates, Matt says "Oh nooo" *concerned laugh*, King stifles a laughter at something he shouldn't laugh at, Cameron says something about sucking toes, Fran meme's, Aurora Borealis is mentioned, Brown Bricks, Eto.... bleh, Male Genitalia Mentioned, Carl Wheezer, Chris hates when Jared calls himself daddy, Chris hates Sherwood's current employees, Jared's playing Balatro, King says "ooh yeah" when something he knows is mentioned, Daniel's mom comes in the room, and he has to mute, Matt actually joins the call for once in his life, Hannah joins call in her car or on her phone at work, Cameron is late to DnD, Fia joins the call and Chris says he can technically use the R word.

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