This bingo card has a free space and 28 words: Check in siblings for well check, Direct patient to kiosk, Register a new patient not newborn, send phone call to the triage line, ask for a school note, take a phone call request for forms to be filled out, verify insurance, hand out developmental forms, Room a newborn, Handout new patient packet, hand out Dr. Kirsch's goodbye letter, answer a call with a red word complaint, collect clipboards, notify nurse of a nurse visit arrival, register a newborn, give teens STD screening letter, take a walk in request for forms to be filled out, notify nurses of sample drop off, print faxes, notify nurse of critical lab, wipe down clipboards, buzz someone through, Greet patient with a smile, Scan paperwork, take mail to mailbox, call patient to let them know paperwork is ready for pickup, schedule a return visit and parent hangs up on you.
Front Desk 2024 | Front desk 2024 | PAS BING-O! | Registration | Hold Room
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