This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: That just happened, They just swore, How was that scary in the first place, real world reference, That girl hates non-Christians, That cat needs to go, was that... scary, Lord and savior, That was racist, They are scared more than we are, That was creepy not scary, The kid is mumbling again, that was not in the sub, 4th wall who is that, How did that kid learn that, that person is homophobic, That was stupid, Was that supposed to be scary, They really like talking about drugs, their beat there kid, she really trying to convert someone now, that adult should not say that to a kid, Do they even have parents and get the small boy away from that crazy girl.
Ghost story watch along | Ghost story watch along | Cat salon bingo | Mr. Jones Bingo | Exclamatory Sentence
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