EK E4 Bingo Card

EK E4 Bingo Card Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Ttar AP boosts, Milotic simply dodges Draco crit, 6 Mon Steven, AI misses Starmie Hydro Pump, Metagross explodes, Roar Sceptile, Unnecessary Crit (either side killing), "Gotta go into Reli now and hope I don't get crit", AI hits a range, Unintentional death, Brings a Normal, Gets crit setting up Rage, "Oh that's not supposed to come out", Ludi Doesn't Hold, Intentional sacrifice, Clicks an inaccurate move, B2B Kill, Player misses a Range, Slowbro gets Frozen, Jirachi gets a boost, Brings Blaziken, Dead Mon on Glacia, Sets up Rage on Phoebe, Latias crits Dragon Claw, Brings 3 Water Types, Wailord clicks Amnesia, Crobat burns with Heat Wave, Dusclops doesn't always beat Latias and Using something other then Reli on Glalie.

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