Suggestive Selling 3 Bingos 2 WIN

Suggestive Selling 3 Bingos 2 WIN Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Extra Cheese On Any Burger, Any Steak Add Shrimp, Kazi, Bread Pudding, Side Salad as a Starter to Entree, Add Mushrooms to any Steak, Any Pizza Extra Cheese, Crab Melt Extra Cheese, Cubano Extra Cheese, Kazi, Side Salad as a Starter to Entree, Nachos Double Protein, Any Side Salad Add Avocado, Start Any Steak With Side Salad, Any Burger Extra Cheese, Crab Dip Hat Trick (3), Kazi, Mile High, Mash on Steak Loaded with Cheese & SC or Bacon (Grand Slam), Kazi, Ram Signature Cocktail Hat Trick (3), Beat Your Guest Check Average Shift Goal, Upsell Cheese to Fries and Kazi.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Kazi (5)

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