This bingo card has a free space and 35 words: Near crash, Road rage, Mentions how much he drives, Mentions gay incest, Says something horrible, Harry Potter Rocket League story, Puts us into awkward silence, Homosexuality, Peep Show quote, Reference to an orgy, "Backshots", Imitates Kratos, Speaks over someone, Talks about rowing, Talks about archery, Blames someone else for his mistake, Member of the public looks at him funny, Very loud, Complains about someone not wanting to go on a ride, Pulls out Instagram meme in public, "Such that", Scares someone, Dreams up some horrible scenario, Pacific Rim mentioned, Optimus Prime mentioned, Interstellar mentioned, Talks about love of cheese, Takes a wrong turn, Threatens to turn the car around, Michael Rosen reference, "Huh?", Has a take nobody else agrees with, Talks about love of "recalling" weapons, Talks about physics and Hating on James.
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