This bingo card has a free space and 36 words: Pick up PR for an artist you’ve never heard before., Pick up PR for an artist you’ve listened to once., Pick up PR for an artist with less than 1,000 monthly listeners on Spotify., Pick up PR for an artist in a genre you don’t listen to often (or at all)., Pick up PR and use a fun spin for your article., Pick up PR for an artist based in a different country than you., Pick up a premiere!, Pick up an advance listen!, Pick up PR for an artist who emailed us themselves., Pick up PR from a PR agency you’ve never heard of., Pitch an article to Madison about a trending topic or music release., Pitch an evergreen article to Madison about an artist you love., Pick up PR for a TV show or movie., Pick up PR about a new music video., Pick up PR about a concert or tour., Write an article that analyzes the lyrics of a song., Pick up PR about an artist based in the same country as you., Pick up an evergreen article for an album anniversary., Pick up an evergreen article for an artist or celebrity’s birthday., Collaborate on an article with another member of your team., Post an article you’ve written on your personal social media., Review another exec’s article about a new song., Review another exec’s article about a new album., Review another exec’s article about a new music video., Review another exec’s article about an artist you’ve never heard of., Read and like another writer’s article about an artist you love., Read and like another writer’s article about an artist you’ve never heard of., Read and like another writer’s article about an artist based in the same country as you., Read and like another writer’s article about an artist based in a different country than you., Read and like another writer’s article about a K-Pop artist., Like three THP tweets about artists you’ve never heard of., Like three THP tweets about K-Pop artists., Like three THP tweets about artists whose music you enjoy., Like a THP Instagram post about an artist you’ve never heard of., Like a THP Instagram post about a K-Pop artist. and Like a THP Instagram post about an artist whose music you enjoy..
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.