This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Maryn makes a pun, Luke does an impression, Chalk talk, Mark is gone, Robin advertises a drug, New food in meeting room, Someone forgets visitor name, Tommy is late, Al grunts during prayer, Luke fake laughs, Marks shares ministry lore, Doorbell rings, Dramatic reaction from Robin, Maryn makes a noise during prayer, Tommy doesnt talk all meeting, Matts wearing banana bear shirt, Inappropriate joke, Al gives mini sermon, Petes pink newscap, Unintentional matching outfits, Korissa sings a line of a song, Phone goes off, Mark says "dude" or "bro", Pete chews on his pen, Al says something questionable, Luke or Tommy draws on handout, Korrisa wearing tassels, Nate says "great question", Korrisa wearing all black, Jan Markell mentioned, Al or Leanne call themself old, Matt drums on table or legs, Pete has pink on every piece of clothing and Sophia wearing new balance.
Revive Staff Meeting bingo | Revive Staff Meeting bingo | TalentBin Bingo!! | STAFF BINGO! | Staff Meeting Yay!
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