This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Regular 10-96, "I wanna speak to a supervisor", DWI, Gunshots NOT Fireworks, Structure fire, "It's scaring my dogs/animal", "I'd like to remain anonymous", "I have to work tomorrow", "My kids are trying to sleep", "Can you change this call to a....", "This isn't an emergency but...", "Are fireworks legal/allowed?", Welfare check, Business alarm, Noise complaint at a reasonable time, Large gathering complaint, 612 Jones st, Baby mama/daddy drama, Pursuit, Lost dog, 911 hang up/child playing on phone, Holiday homicide, Lost limbs and Fireworks call.
4th of July | 4th of July | 911 4th of July Bingo (Receiving) | 4TH OF JULY DISPATCH BINGO | 4th Of July 911 Dispatcher
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