Sheva Brachos of Yisroel Mordechai and Sara

Sheva Brachos of Yisroel Mordechai and Sara Bingo Card

This bingo card has 1 images and 26 words: Don't do this when you disagree or get angry, Treat each other nicely and reapectfully, No complaining, In every situation .... always use your head, Be careful . . . .they shouldn't bounce, מצוה גדולה להיות בשמחה תמיד always wear a smile, Even in שנה ראשונה don't forget about those close to you, May הקב''ה bentch you always with plenty, Keep in mind marriage is a joint effort of selfless dedication, Whenever you are bored play a good classic game, Always try to follow your husband's מנהגים, No matter what you're busy with חסד begins at home, Don't ask questions about something your spouse does different - just accept and move on, No matter what happens always keep calm and don't go bananas, Yisroel and Mordechai a perfect . . . !, Always compliment each other "you are ....", Don't forget to call the shviger each week, סיג לחכמה שתיקה, A good recipe that your husband likes is worth repeating, Enhance your Shabbos table with, Just enjoy this!, Always tidy up after you make a mess ... It is good for שלום בית, Take note of the nice things you do for each other and say "Thank you!", No sharp comments, When you are feeling run down, take a break to recharge and Always look at the bright side.

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