This bingo card has 6 images, a free space and 24 words: July 26, 1990, 1948, 1975, October 15, Marlee Matlin, Helen Keller, World Autism Awareness Day, October, Ed Roberts, Olmstead v. L.C. Decision, December 3, 1973, Temple Grandin, July 20, 2010, White Cane Safety Day, Self-Injury Awareness Day, March 1, Stephen Hawking, May 5, 1990, Judith Heumann, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1999 and Bonnie St. John.
LGBTQIA+ 2022-2023 Calendar | Dates | On The Calendar | HOLIDAYS/SPECIAL DAYS | Calendar Vocabulary
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.