This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Joe not telling us the test set until after it starts, Joe gets mad, Rooney doesn’t show up to practice, Joe sitting in the corner on his phone, Joe calls us “squad”, Rooney tells us to hydrate hydrate HYDRATE, Tim tells us about an out of pocket game, Rooney wears drippy plaid, Brian draws art on a white board, The only thing Joe says after your race is good job, Rooney putting in the swim bridges for warm up, Rooney says treat this like a main set, At least one injury in practice, Joe says “lock in” before main set, Rooney FLEK warm down, Rooney 600 pull “easy” but breath every 9, Rooney calls someone the wrong name, Adam shows up to practice, Raining at swanson, Rooney talks to an East kid, Joe locks us in with phunk in lift, Joe plays the worst remixes of all time during lift, Adam cooks up a glorious main set and Joe says it’s sprint when it’s really aerobic.
Strasser BINGO | POV: BMC Swim Practice | Nonnie Bingo | Ms Hunter Bingo | Swim Practice
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