Family Dinner Bingo

Family Dinner Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Olympics opening ceremony brought up, Korben/other kids awkwardly sideswipped, assassination brought up, Caroline tries to start an argument, Fight about seats, Joey makes a weird comment about college, Korben's parents act as if they're part of the family, Dad/Grandma brought up, Aunt Junie makes up/misinterprets a religious fact, Mom complains about something very minor, "Kamala Harris isn't black", Fatphobic comment, Weird/awkward joke, Aunt Junie complains how fat she is/looks, Drama about high schoolers brought up, Joey is a victim, Open Border, Someone complains about my hair, Someone asks about job and then proceeds to not listen and give back career advice, Caroline plays victim, Caroline brings up story about how kids love her, Weirdly homophobic / transphobic comment, Crying over Kalvin's Card and Someone throws me under the bus for some reason.

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