Morning meeting Bingo

Morning meeting Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Hardware is mentioned, Being better at cleaning is mentioned, FOD is mentioned, Max is late, long rant about something that doesn't need to be long, Scuba Yawns, Josh calls someone out by name., Luis says something, meeting goes past 10 mins for no reason, New person at meeting, someone didn't remember a safety topic, Safety glasses are mentioned, Texas is gone, Dean brings up Friday work, Hardware is mentioned, station 10 is already working, Luis says nothing, Meeting starts before 6, Marines has straight hair, Dean brings up Working on Friday, Josh is serious, A new stretch is introduced, Timecards are mentioned and M.E Tecs start doing the loudest thing possible.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Hardware is mentioned (2)

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