Fall Prevention Champion Bingo

Fall Prevention Champion Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Learn about home safety for fall prevention!, Learn about the risk factors for falls, Talk to a friend about fall prevention, Learn about proper footwear, Practice Good Posture, Reach out to your local aging service provider, Visit your local senior/wellness center and ask about fall prevention programs!, Join a virtual fall prevention class, Follow the NC Falls Prevention Coalition Facebook, Share a National Council on Aging Infographic, Visit standingstrongnc.org and watch a PSA, Register for a Fall Prevention Awareness Week Event, Visit healthyagingnc.com to explore programs near you!, Create a social media post about fall prevention, Join a walking group or start your own!, Learn about medications and fall risk!, Register for a Fall Prevention Coalition Call, Read a standingstrongnc.co m blog, Learn about nutrition and fall risk!, Learn about pet safety and falls, Discuss fall prevention awareness with a healthcare provider, Learn about hearing and Falls, Watch/Join the Fall Prevention Champion Webinar, Share the fall preventon awareness week calendar, Complete a fall risk screening, Share resources with a community partner, Refer someone to a program! healthyagingnc.com, Go to a Tai Chi Class and Explore how to become a program leader.

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