This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Lee isn't angry, Sammy breaks a trumpet (Free card), Band teacher hates mady, A couple gets freaky in the practice room, Toast plays percussion, Someone loots the band closet, Josadak gets a new BF, Mez gets a new guitar, Omari get the 4 valve, someone doesn't make regionals, No band trip this year, Omari says the N-Word (older Omari), Maia and Kenneth break up, Arts Drama, Band Drama, Lil Omari gets prayed on again, Lil Omari restarts his energy drink addiction, Drum Major can't keep tempo, The band crumbles apart, Kenneth drops his new tuba, One of us gets freaky (you know who you are), We get easy music because most of the band sucks, Teighan and Silver hate each other again and Toast picks trombone.
Band Bingo | Freshman Year Benis Bingo | Gc Bingo | 2023 DR BINGO | 2024-2025 Caledonia bingo
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