This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Send a text today to all of your Placed statuses with an End date between now and 10/12, Email blast the core specialties in your database today with Date Avail before 10/8, Get a confirm today (placement or extension), Get a submission today, Get a new candidate submission today, Make 50 outbound calls today, Complete 1 profile today, Get 2 prescreens today, Try to redirect your hot list or pending subs today by pitching at least 1 job that is outside of their preferences, Send a text blast to Rylee's database today and pitch a focus client job, Do 20 Vivian proposals today, Share 3 pay packages today using the Vivian pay DL, Call/Dial & text at least 10 Vivian/Vivian Unlimited leads today that are in other databases (according to ROE), Give a Motivosity shout out to anyone in Aequor today, Send a funny work-related meme or GIF in The Amanda Show chat, Call/Dial & send a follow up text today to at least 20 candidates in your database with a Date Avail in Sept or early Oct., Share your updated hot list candidates w/ your Manager today, Post 1 job in at least 2 Facebook groups today, Call/Dial & text all Vivian/Vivian Unlimited leads that have been added into your database in the last 30 days, Call/Dial & text at least 10 candidates that you've rec'd from Emily's database, Get a unique submission today, Obtain 2 references for a new candidate/profile today, Ping or Email Amanda today w/ which candidates you have Recruiter Job Alerts/Opus Match turned on for and Ping Amanda today with the # of HC/candidates that you have on Projections for w/e 9/28.
The Amanda Show BINGO 9.26.24 | The Amanda Show BINGO 11.7.24 | The Amanda Show BINGO 1.16.25 | Amanda Team BINGO | The Amanda Show BINGO
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.