This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Someone who is an Encounter Alumni ____________, Someone desire to grow in the Physical healing gifting ____________, Someone desires to grow in the Prophetic gifting ____________, Someone that is drawn to the Inner Healing Ministry ____________, Someone from the same city as you ____________, Someone that can name at least three female saints ____________, Someone who has attended an Encounter Ministry Conference ____________, Knows the story of a Saint or Martyr ____________, Someone has a desire in their heart to start a new ministry ____________, Someone Wears a medal or carries a prayer card of a saint ____________, Someone that has been to the Holy Land ____________, Someone has been on a pilgrimage ____________, Someone that has visited a Marian Apparition ____________, Someone visited the Vatican ____________, Someone that is a Chosen TV series fan ____________, Someone that has done Bible in a year by Fr. Mike Schmitz ____________, Has attended Latin Mass ____________, Someone attended Summer Intensive in July ____________, Someone involved in a church ministry ____________, Someone that knows the date of their baptism ____________, Someone that prays the rosary ____________, Someone that wears a scapula ____________, Someone that knows the angelus by heart ____________ and Someone attended Pentecost Worship night or Healing Service in January at St. Timothy's ____________.
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.