Media Literacy / Social Media

Media Literacy / Social Media Bingo Card

This bingo card has 11 images and 16 words: Has fact-checked a news story before sharing it online, Has fallen for clickbait and later realized it, Follows more than three news organizations on social media, Has taken a break from social media for a week or more, Has recognized a deepfake video or image, Reads the full article before sharing it on social media, Has used reverse image search (e.g., via Google), Has deleted a social media app because they felt it was wasting their time, Has noticed the same types of ads following them across different social media platforms, Can name three indicators of a misleading news article, Has seen a social media ad and made a purchase based on it, Uses more than 3 social media platforms daily, Has reported or flagged inappropriate content on social media, Uses social media for learning new skills (e.g., tutorials, online courses), Has been affected by negative comments or online criticism and Has felt pressure to post or share something on social media.

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