Music Bingo Challenge

Music Bingo Challenge Bingo Card

This bingo card has 25 words: Write down all the modes of the major scale, Write three facts about a Romantic-era composer., Compose a 4-bar rhythm in 5/4 time., Write a common I-IV-V-I progression in a key of your choice., What sharps or flats are in the F# major key signature, Name the five intervals in the file named 'intervals' in Teams, Write three characteristic features of Baroque music., Write out the melody of a familiar song (can be a nursery rhyme), Define these terms: polyrhythm, hemiola, retrograde, Identify a historical event that influenced 20th-century music., Write the key signatures for all major and minor keys., Listen to any piece of music and describe its texture, Name 3 commonly used cadences, Listen to a modern track and identify two non-traditional instruments or production techniques, Name the key signature with the most sharps and the key signature with the most flats., List the standard instruments in a classical symphony orchestra by section, List five Italian tempo markings and explain their meanings., Name three composers from different musical eras (e.g., Baroque, Classical, Romantic) and list one well-known work by each, Write out five dynamic markings from softest to loudest and explain their effect., Choose a famous piece of music and identify its instrumentation, Create a mini-timeline of three key composers from different centuries and the periods they belong to, Choose a 20th century music genre and identify the key characteristics., Identify three sub-genres of electronic music and describe one characteristic feature of each., Describe the key rhythmic characteristic of funk music and provide an example of an artist or band that uses it. and Name two modern artists who fuse traditional world music elements with contemporary genres and describe their sound..

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