
Jeremy-isms Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Home Depot 5 gallon bucket, What I mean by that is, Jeremy does drug math, Moscow mule, Reference to OPEC, Literal definition of a cartel, The reality is, ADCON vs OPCON, Amazon, Back of a van, Fentanyl is beautiful, Shitty non-profit, Emptying water from a stream, Avocado, Here's the thing, We kill them, And again..., Ground Zero and the Grand Canyon, billets=bodies bodies=desks, Let's fkn go, Jeremy calls Nate "brutha", F Vay, Liam Neeson and No No, but yeah.

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Jeremy-isms | Jeremy-isms | Jeremy-isms | TSC2 BINGO | PDFs are Fun!

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