
This bingo card has a free space and 50 words: Cust.’s designer is “unavailable”, Cust. used online design software, “ePac has always fixed (xyz) for me”, “I’ve never had to (xyz) before”, Cust. updates art after approval, Cust. needs files ASAP, Cust. ignores preflight feedback, “Sorry, one more change…”, Artwork is an image, Cust. doesn’t supply a white layer, then gets mad about white layer being incorrect, Artwork is in RGB, Images not embedded, Text not outlined, Artwork and dieline on the same layer, Artwork uses 4C Black, Artwork not on ePac dieline, Artwork made in Indesign or Photoshop, Cust. says a job is a reorder, but then sends all new artwork after proofing, Cust.’s feedback is incoherent gibberish, Cust. uses 10+ Pantone colors, Leave your desk to decompress, Cust. has 10+ years of experience in the print industry, Artwork has no bleed, Artwork is a flattened image with dieline, Cust. mansplains, Cust. uploads PO as artwork, Cust. takes 4+ weeks to update art then wants it rushed, Cust. is on their third or more revision, Cust. uploads wrong artwork, Artwork needs to be resized, Cust. “can not” place art on ePac dieline, Cust.’s files crash AI, Cust.’s files are too large to upload to OP/need to be downsized, “Artwork Emailed” PDF Uploaded, Sales uploaded PO as artwork, Sales/SSS doesn’t supply reorder #s, Sales refers to a job as a reorder but the Cust. uploaded new artwork, Sales quotes a job in EPM when the artwork is fully black, Sales uploads artwork for unprinted test roll, Sales/SSS asks prepress to go on a Cust. call ASAP, Sales/SSS asks you to explain the white layer to the Cust., Sales/SSS sends invite for a Cust. meeting with zero information, SSS nukes artwork from repushing JDF by mistake, Job transferred before approval, all files deleted, Quote doesn’t include Spot color, Sales gets upper management involved, Sales asks prepress to prioritize a job after incorrectly quoting the job, Sales incorrectly quotes a job, doesn’t fix it and sends it incorrectly again next time, Sales/SSS forgets to attach a file and SSS sends email after 10pm.

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