This bingo card has 37 words: Free!, A coping skill I can use when mad is, A coping skill I can use when sad is, I am grateful for, My healthy self statement is, Someone I use as a support, A positive affirmation I say is, Something I do for self care is, Something I'm proud of, A goal I've been working towards, A strength of mine is, Something I want to work on is, An activity/hobby I enjoy is, I can forgive myself for, Something I look forward to is, Something I'd like to let go, A coping skill I'd like to practice more is, I can strengthen my relationships by, Setting boundaries are important bc, When distressed, I can tell myself, I can hold myself accountable by, Keeping good hygiene is important bc, I am responsible for, I can keep my space tidy by, I show respect to others by, I can practice good communication by, A recovery goal of mine is, A family/ relationship goal of mine is, My favorite animal is, My favorite type of music is, Something I value is, A potential career goal is, Sleep is important because, I can connect with my peers by, Self care to me is, I need to rest my body bc and Self care is important bc.
Life Skills Bingo | Life Skills Bingo | Silly Little Life Skills BINGO | Life Skills Bingo | Recovery Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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