This bingo card has a free space and 28 words: yelling, "WHAT IS IT?", complaining about rap music, leaves the door open, has a coffee, has rock music playing, talks about rock music, talks about the 70s-90s, singles out Asher, talks about sports, mentions a specific band, "this is ALGEBRA/BASIC MATH/MATH", "you shouldve learned this!", "why don't you guys ever talk?", "COME ON, TALK!", humming to his playlist, whistling to his playlist, humming, whistling, leaves the room, mentions snapchat, "PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY", talks about phones, "people used to talk to each other", "how come you guys never talk to me?", pronunces schoology "scho-all-logy", "i hate phones" and "turn to the person next to you and TALK".
Epstein Bingo | Gabehart Bingo | Ms. Perry Bringo | Big Bang Theory Bingo!!! | Big Bang Theory Bingo!!!
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