Real Estate Bingo

Real Estate Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 267 words: Client changes their mind about the type of home they want.",, "Multiple offers submitted on the same day.",, "Seller refuses to negotiate on price.",, "Deal falls through due to financing issues.",, "Buyer gets pre-approved for a loan on the spot.",, "Client asks if the house price can be reduced just because they 'really like it.'",, "Client shows up late for an appointment without notice.",, "Client mentions they have a 'friend' who is also an agent.",, "Client says, 'We love it, but we’re going to keep looking.'",, "Resolving a last-minute appraisal issue.",, "Helping a client find a contractor for unexpected repairs.",, "Coordinating multiple schedules for an emergency showing.",, "Dealing with a buyer who wants to back out of a contract.",, "House smells strongly of pets or smoke.",, "Property is completely different from the listing photos.",, "Encountering another agent and their client at the same showing.",, "Lockbox code doesn’t work.",, "A neighbor starts chatting with your client during the showing.",, "Discovering a problem that wasn’t there during the inspection.",, "Seller has not moved out as promised.",, "Buyer notices a cosmetic issue they didn’t see before.",, "Appliances or fixtures promised are missing.",, "Unexpected items left behind by the seller.",, "Termite damage discovered.",, "Roof needs replacement sooner than expected.",, "Electrical issues flagged by the inspector.",, "Plumbing problems that weren’t mentioned.",, "Buyer requests multiple concessions based on the inspection report.",, "Buyer or seller is late to the closing.",, "Last-minute document changes needed before signing.",, "Lender needs additional verification hours before closing.",, "Miscommunication about the closing date or time.",, "Client is nervous or emotional during the closing process.",, "Buyer requests a price reduction after discovering another listing they prefer.",, "Escrow is delayed due to a missing document.",, "Buyer gets cold feet right before making an offer.",, "Seller decides to rent out the property instead of selling.",, "Buyer insists on seeing homes above their pre-approved budget.",, "Client brings up the Zestimate and insists it’s the accurate price.",, "Client says, 'We’re going to wait until the market cools down.'",, "Client asks for advice on a DIY renovation idea.",, "Client's parents want to see the house before a decision is made.",, "Client asks for a home with no HOA fees.",, "Coordinating repair work for a seller before listing goes live.",, "Finding temporary housing for a client due to a delayed closing.",, "Handling an upset client when an offer isn’t accepted.",, "Mediating between clients and their over-involved relatives.",, "Navigating city permits or HOA issues for a client.",, "Listing agent forgot to update the status when vacant.",, "Home alarm goes off during the showing.",, "Seeing pets roaming freely during the showing.",, "Overlapping showings cause confusion.",, "Backyard or nearby construction noise disrupts the showing.",, "Seller’s belongings still packed in boxes during walk-through.",, "Damage to walls/floors from moving furniture out.",, "Seller leaves unwanted paint cans or items.",, "Utilities not turned on during walk-through.",, "Lawn/landscape not maintained as promised.",, "Seller refuses to make repairs after inspection.",, "HVAC system requires major repairs.",, "Mold discovered in attic or basement.",, "Foundation cracks not previously disclosed.",, "Tree found too close to property causing issues.",, "Title company delays due to incomplete paperwork.",, "Buyer/seller requests virtual closing.",, "Mortgage rates change before closing, affecting the deal.",, "Discrepancies in contract terms vs. final documents.",, "Clients celebrate with champagne or gifts at closing.",, "Neighbors being overly curious during showings.",, "Client checks cell phone reception in every room.",, "Client changes neighborhood preference after weeks of searching.",, "House has an unusual layout or quirky design.",, "Client asks for a last-minute showing.",, Won a multiple offer, Got a review, Signed a Contract on the hood of car, In Person appointment, Got yelled at by an agent, Got a referral, Wrote 10 Thank You Cards, Made 10 Cold Calls, Made a marketing video, Showed 2 buyers in one day, Went to coffee with a client, Closed on a house, Free, Got a lender referral, Got an FHA buyer, Got the agent to tell you what the other offer is, Wrote an offer with closing costs, Went to lunch with another agent, Found an off market property, Double sided a deal, Held and Open House, Had a client use the bathroom during a showing, Lifted a contingency, Got a Contingency Offer Accepted, Wrote on offer on a FSBO, Got seed ticks, Client changes their mind about the type of home they want.",, "Multiple offers submitted on the same day.",, "Seller refuses to negotiate on price.",, "Deal falls through due to financing issues.",, "Buyer gets pre-approved for a loan on the spot.",, "Client asks if the house price can be reduced just because they 'really like it.'",, "Client shows up late for an appointment without notice.",, "Client mentions they have a 'friend' who is also an agent.",, "Client says, 'We love it, but we’re going to keep looking.'",, "Resolving a last-minute appraisal issue.",, "Helping a client find a contractor for unexpected repairs.",, "Coordinating multiple schedules for an emergency showing.",, "Dealing with a buyer who wants to back out of a contract.",, "House smells strongly of pets or smoke.",, "Property is completely different from the listing photos.",, "Encountering another agent and their client at the same showing.",, "Lockbox code doesn’t work.",, "A neighbor starts chatting with your client during the showing.",, "Discovering a problem that wasn’t there during the inspection.",, "Seller has not moved out as promised.",, "Buyer notices a cosmetic issue they didn’t see before.",, "Appliances or fixtures promised are missing.",, "Unexpected items left behind by the seller.",, "Termite damage discovered.",, "Roof needs replacement sooner than expected.",, "Electrical issues flagged by the inspector.",, "Plumbing problems that weren’t mentioned.",, "Buyer requests multiple concessions based on the inspection report.",, "Buyer or seller is late to the closing.",, "Last-minute document changes needed before signing.",, "Lender needs additional verification hours before closing.",, "Miscommunication about the closing date or time.",, "Client is nervous or emotional during the closing process.",, "Buyer requests a price reduction after discovering another listing they prefer.",, "Escrow is delayed due to a missing document.",, "Buyer gets cold feet right before making an offer.",, "Seller decides to rent out the property instead of selling.",, "Buyer insists on seeing homes above their pre-approved budget.",, "Client brings up the Zestimate and insists it’s the accurate price.",, "Client says, 'We’re going to wait until the market cools down.'",, "Client asks for advice on a DIY renovation idea.",, "Client's parents want to see the house before a decision is made.",, "Client asks for a home with no HOA fees.",, "Coordinating repair work for a seller before listing goes live.",, "Finding temporary housing for a client due to a delayed closing.",, "Handling an upset client when an offer isn’t accepted.",, "Mediating between clients and their over-involved relatives.",, "Navigating city permits or HOA issues for a client.",, "Listing agent forgot to update the status when vacant.",, "Home alarm goes off during the showing.",, "Seeing pets roaming freely during the showing.",, "Overlapping showings cause confusion.",, "Backyard or nearby construction noise disrupts the showing.",, "Seller’s belongings still packed in boxes during walk-through.",, "Damage to walls/floors from moving furniture out.",, "Seller leaves unwanted paint cans or items.",, "Utilities not turned on during walk-through.",, "Lawn/landscape not maintained as promised.",, "Seller refuses to make repairs after inspection.",, "HVAC system requires major repairs.",, "Mold discovered in attic or basement.",, "Foundation cracks not previously disclosed.",, "Tree found too close to property causing issues.",, "Title company delays due to incomplete paperwork.",, "Buyer/seller requests virtual closing.",, "Mortgage rates change before closing, affecting the deal.",, "Discrepancies in contract terms vs. final documents.",, "Clients celebrate with champagne or gifts at closing.",, "Neighbors being overly curious during showings.",, "Client checks cell phone reception in every room.",, "Client changes neighborhood preference after weeks of searching.",, "House has an unusual layout or quirky design.",, "Client asks for a last-minute showing.",, Real Estate Transactions, Client changes their mind about the type of home they want., Multiple offers submitted on the same day., Seller refuses to negotiate on price., Deal falls through due to financing issues., Buyer gets pre-approved for a loan on the spot., Conversations with Clients, Client asks if the house price can be reduced just because they “really like it.”, “I’m not in a hurry, but I need to find a home in the next month.”, A client mentions they have a “friend” who is also an agent., Client shows up late for an appointment without notice., “We love it, but we’re going to keep looking.”, Problems Agents Fix for Clients, Resolving a last-minute appraisal issue., Helping a client find a contractor for unexpected repairs., Coordinating multiple schedules for an emergency showing., Handling a client’s request to view a home on the same day., Dealing with a buyer who wants to back out of a contract., Showings, House smells strongly of pets or smoke., Property is completely different from the listing photos., Encountering another agent and their client at the same showing., Lockbox code doesn’t work., A neighbor starts chatting with your client during the showing., Final Walk-Throughs, Discovering a problem that wasn’t there during the inspection., Seller has not moved out as promised., Buyer notices a cosmetic issue they didn’t see before., Appliances or fixtures promised are missing., Unexpected items left behind by the seller., Inspections, Termite damage discovered., Roof needs replacement sooner than expected., Electrical issues flagged by the inspector., Plumbing problems that weren’t mentioned., Buyer requests multiple concessions based on the inspection report., Closings, Buyer or seller is late to the closing., Last-minute document changes needed before signing., Lender needs additional verification hours before closing., Miscommunication about the closing date or time., Client is nervous or emotional during the closing process., Additional Real Estate Transactions, Buyer requests a price reduction after discovering another listing they prefer., Escrow is delayed due to a missing document., Buyer gets cold feet right before making an offer., Seller decides to rent out the property instead of selling at the last minute., Buyer insists on seeing homes above their pre-approved budget., Additional Client Conversations, Client brings up the Zestimate and insists it's the accurate price., “We’re going to wait until the market cools down.”, Client asks for advice on a DIY renovation idea they want to try., “My parents want to see the house before we make a decision.”, “Can you help us find a home with no HOA fees?”, Additional Problems Agents Fix for Clients, Coordinating repair work for a seller before listing goes live., Finding temporary housing for a client due to a delayed closing., Handling an upset client when an offer isn’t accepted., Mediating between clients and their over-involved relatives., Navigating city permits or HOA issues for a client., Additional Showings, A listing agent forgot to remove the “Occupied” status when it’s vacant., The home’s alarm system goes off during the showing., Seeing pets (cats, dogs, or even exotic animals) roaming freely during a showing., A showing scheduled right before or after an open house, causing overlap., Backyard or nearby construction noise disrupting the showing., Additional Final Walk-Throughs, Discovering a seller’s personal belongings are still packed in boxes., Noticing damage to walls or floors from moving furniture out., Seller leaves paint cans or other items the buyer doesn’t want., Utilities not turned on during the walk-through, making inspection difficult., Lawn or landscaping not maintained as promised., Additional Inspections, Seller refuses to make any repairs after the inspection., HVAC system requires unexpected major repairs., Mold discovered in an attic or basement., Foundation cracks not previously disclosed., A tree is found to be too close to the property, causing potential issues., Additional Closings, Title company delays due to incomplete paperwork., Buyer or seller requests a last-minute virtual closing., Mortgage interest rates change before the closing, affecting the buyer's decision., Discrepancies found between contract terms and final documents., Clients celebrate with champagne or gifts at the closing., Miscellaneous Real Estate Situations, Neighbors being overly curious or intrusive during showings., Client insists on checking cell phone reception in every room., Client changes their preferred neighborhood after weeks of searching., House features an unusual layout or a quirky design element., “I know it’s a long shot, but can you show us a home today?”, Running into unexpected weather during a property visit (heavy rain, snow, etc.)., House listed as “move-in ready” needs significant cosmetic work., Managing a client’s expectations when a property doesn’t appraise at the offer price., Dealing with a listing that’s gone stale and needs to be re-marketed. and Seller tries to sell home furnishings or appliances as part of the deal..

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Client changes their mind about the type of home they want.", (2), "Multiple offers submitted on the same day.", (2), "Seller refuses to negotiate on price.", (2), "Deal falls through due to financing issues.", (2), "Buyer gets pre-approved for a loan on the spot.", (2), "Client asks if the house price can be reduced just because they 'really like it.'", (2), "Client shows up late for an appointment without notice.", (2), "Client mentions they have a 'friend' who is also an agent.", (2), "Client says, 'We love it, but we’re going to keep looking.'", (2), "Resolving a last-minute appraisal issue.", (2), "Helping a client find a contractor for unexpected repairs.", (2), "Coordinating multiple schedules for an emergency showing.", (2), "Dealing with a buyer who wants to back out of a contract.", (2), "House smells strongly of pets or smoke.", (2), "Property is completely different from the listing photos.", (2), "Encountering another agent and their client at the same showing.", (2), "Lockbox code doesn’t work.", (2), "A neighbor starts chatting with your client during the showing.", (2), "Discovering a problem that wasn’t there during the inspection.", (2), "Seller has not moved out as promised.", (2), "Buyer notices a cosmetic issue they didn’t see before.", (2), "Appliances or fixtures promised are missing.", (2), "Unexpected items left behind by the seller.", (2), "Termite damage discovered.", (2), "Roof needs replacement sooner than expected.", (2), "Electrical issues flagged by the inspector.", (2), "Plumbing problems that weren’t mentioned.", (2), "Buyer requests multiple concessions based on the inspection report.", (2), "Buyer or seller is late to the closing.", (2), "Last-minute document changes needed before signing.", (2), "Lender needs additional verification hours before closing.", (2), "Miscommunication about the closing date or time.", (2), "Client is nervous or emotional during the closing process.", (2), "Buyer requests a price reduction after discovering another listing they prefer.", (2), "Escrow is delayed due to a missing document.", (2), "Buyer gets cold feet right before making an offer.", (2), "Seller decides to rent out the property instead of selling.", (2), "Buyer insists on seeing homes above their pre-approved budget.", (2), "Client brings up the Zestimate and insists it’s the accurate price.", (2), "Client says, 'We’re going to wait until the market cools down.'", (2), "Client asks for advice on a DIY renovation idea.", (2), "Client's parents want to see the house before a decision is made.", (2), "Client asks for a home with no HOA fees.", (2), "Coordinating repair work for a seller before listing goes live.", (2), "Finding temporary housing for a client due to a delayed closing.", (2), "Handling an upset client when an offer isn’t accepted.", (2), "Mediating between clients and their over-involved relatives.", (2), "Navigating city permits or HOA issues for a client.", (2), "Listing agent forgot to update the status when vacant.", (2), "Home alarm goes off during the showing.", (2), "Seeing pets roaming freely during the showing.", (2), "Overlapping showings cause confusion.", (2), "Backyard or nearby construction noise disrupts the showing.", (2), "Seller’s belongings still packed in boxes during walk-through.", (2), "Damage to walls/floors from moving furniture out.", (2), "Seller leaves unwanted paint cans or items.", (2), "Utilities not turned on during walk-through.", (2), "Lawn/landscape not maintained as promised.", (2), "Seller refuses to make repairs after inspection.", (2), "HVAC system requires major repairs.", (2), "Mold discovered in attic or basement.", (2), "Foundation cracks not previously disclosed.", (2), "Tree found too close to property causing issues.", (2), "Title company delays due to incomplete paperwork.", (2), "Buyer/seller requests virtual closing.", (2), "Mortgage rates change before closing, affecting the deal.", (2), "Discrepancies in contract terms vs. final documents.", (2), "Clients celebrate with champagne or gifts at closing.", (2), "Neighbors being overly curious during showings.", (2), "Client checks cell phone reception in every room.", (2), "Client changes neighborhood preference after weeks of searching.", (2), "House has an unusual layout or quirky design.", (2), "Client asks for a last-minute showing.", (2)

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.