This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: "EXCUSE ME?!!!", brain rot reference, Stealing Drink, out of pocket phrases, Sabrina pulls up, "no I need to go with someone", Deepthroating something, Sophie asks for john's food, Mario vs Luigi, teaching Xavier basic stuff, Xavier noises, Sophie steals ryan's food, Jacob shows up, AP Stats, random fun facts, actually doing hw, pokerogue run dies, Ava shows up, Xavier does something smart, Victor shows his cards, Xavier gets abused, Dempa Menning, Xavier gets food, pull up another chair, Chromebook gets restarted, Chromebook screen gets popped out, Gang Signs, *laughing* and Xavier talks about Mr. Cleary.
2025... | 2024 Bingo | Aus Day | Aus Day | st patricks day party
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