This bingo card has a free space and 32 words: Semi-Tractor Trailer, Tandem Axle Truck, Red Truck, Black Truck, White Truck, Blue Truck, Conventional Semi Tractor, Cabover Semi or Truck, John Deere Tractor, NOT John Deere Tractor, South Dakota Plates, Minnesota Plates, Custom Farms Logo, Cracked Windshield, Double Belly Dumper, Single Belly Dumper, One Trailer, Two Trailers, Corn Stalks Hanging, Custom Mud Flaps, Cattle Guard, Mirror Decor, Filthy or Spotless, Exceptional Exhaust, Female Driver, Kid Riding Shotgun, Dog Riding Shotgun, Sundrop, Un-solictied Honk, Un-solicited Wave, Lynn Zimmerman and Re-Weigh.
Grain Truck BINGO | Road Trip Bingo | June 11 BINGO | MACHINERY HILL | MACHINERY HILL
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