This bingo card has a free space and 84 words: Boiler Room, tighty-whities, Character trips while running, Football /sport shirt with numbers, Weird petting, Teens die while making out or half dressed, Uncomfortable LIcking, Character doesn't understand common horror mythology, Character says "who's there", Payphone or rotary phone used, Knife Hands, Wrong person jailed, Insane asylum, Loud means scary, Mirror scare, Character can escape but won't, Someone leaves group for no reason, Yells name instead of helping, Creept nursery rhymes, Trying to stay awake, Character is dead all along, Rich kid dies, Mask/Face comes off Killer, blood, Characters watch something horrific instead of running, High school kid drives way too nice car, Someone from original tragedy provides back story, Alleyway, Creature/entity climbs wall/ceiling, Shaky camera, Character can't be quiet when in danger, Police beind clueless, Character doesn't believe something they just witnessed, Ghost, Possession, Levitation, serial killer back story, Haunted object, Car won't start/stalls out, creepy/insane person issues warning to characters, Character was only dreaming, "Come on guys, this isn't funny", One protagonist attempts to scare another, Evil, single-minded religious character, Character is killed right after thinking they are out of danger, MC is captured/toyed with while all previous victims were just killed, Character dismissively compares/contrasts events in the film with fictional cliches, Last survivor from previous tragedy dies, Protagonists tell the crazy-sounding truth to authority figures, Old person refuses to cooperate, Bad guy was abused as a child, Bad guy's mother was sexually promiscuous, "Let's split up"/"Cover more ground", monster pointlessly roars warning before attacking, Child has invisible friend, No cellular coverage/dead phone battery, Killer walks as fast as victim runs, Victim runs upstairs instead of out the front door, The suspicious person you are made to think is the killer isn't, Masked Killer stares at victim and tilts head to the side, creaky house, seeing someone in the distance, abusive parent figure, something creepy in the window, going where the danger is, alcohol drinking, jump scare!, only one survivor, door open/close by itself, dark barking, tension building to nothing, cops being useless, dolls, lights flickering, RIGHT BEHIND YOU!, cemetery, creepy old person, grabbing bad weapon, not finding keys, shed/basement, being woken up, mirror shots, flashback and killer monologue.
Horror Movie Tropes | Horror Movie Tropes Freddy | Horror Trope Bingo | Horror Movie Bingo | Horror Movies Bingo
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