AP LIT bingo

AP LIT bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: mentions her kids, mentions her method of reading or writing, talks about what colleges require, delays mcq mondays, mentions prior students, looks at soph for 10 or more seconds, reminds students of one pager, gets off topic, delays an assignment, circle time, says we will have workday, don't, doesn't get to/finish assignment, annotate passage, gets annoyed with Michael, talked directly to Jackson, Weston, or Dylan, Gabin says something pseudointellectual, Doesn't get a joke, "see if you can beat me", Describes something we already know, Says "I never thought of it that way", talks about what we did in MS, "Guys lets Start up our chromebooks", Mr. Brown is there, Boys go to the bathroom en masse, "I just want to point that out to you", "Reminds us to do a HW", Encourages us to listen, Delays HW assignment and Shares a story about her and Mr. Brown.

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