AMADEUS Study Question Bingo

AMADEUS Study Question Bingo Card

This bingo card has 20 words: What does Salieri insist he has done—before he slits his own throat, and then again as he is talking to the priest?, What is Mozart doing when Salieri first catches sight of him (17:00)?, How does Salieri describe Mozart’s music around 23:00?, What does Salieri find astounding about the “originals” Constanze Mozart brings him in order to gain Mozart favor for the job teaching the princess (59:00)?, What causes Salieri to remove the crucifix from his wall and renounce God (1:08)?, What’s the controversy surrounding "The Marriage of Figaro"?, What causes Emperor Josef II to ask, puzzled, “Is it modern?” (1:45)?, What “miracle” happens during the premiere of The Marriage of Figaro (1:48)?, "TOO MANY NOTES", UNHINGED LAUGH, CLEAVAGE, something gory happens, "No, but I'm the best", "We should acquire him", "obscene child", candy with an obscene name, "Let it be German!", YAWN, Mozart plays music upside down and Salieri's mean dad dies.

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