LAUNCH Board Retreat 2024!

LAUNCH Board Retreat 2024! Bingo Card

This bingo card has 36 words: serves on the Fundraising Committee, prefers tea over coffee, loves Buffalo chicken wings, can solve a Rubik's Cube, knows the purpose of the Pre-ETS program, has lived on a farm, can do a cartwheel, is a "Wordler", has a pet dog, is shorter than you, FREE!, has a pet fish, knows what SADA means, loves to camp, knows the purpose of our Educational Consultant program, is taller than you, was born in Central NY, serves on the Governance & Recruitment Committee, Free!, knows the number of LAUNCH Board Members we have, serves on the Marketing Committee, has a pet cat, works near a coffee shop, serves on the Finance & Compliance Committee, loves to dance, has lived in a major metropolitan area, lives near an apple orchard, knows the purpose of the Community Habilitation program, knows the year we officially changed the agency name to LAUNCH, is looking forward to winter, was born in November, is a fan of the Buffalo Bills, is a fan of mysteries, knows where the Links to Learning fundraiser is held, likes to go to the beach and is a fan of the Dodgers.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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