Generation Work Networking

Generation Work Networking Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Prefers working in the office, Prefers Tea over Coffee, Speaks 2 or more languages fluently, Has a fear of public speaking, Has run a marathon, Listens to podcasts weekly, Is a vegetarian, Is good at cooking, Plays a musical instrument, Loves to sing, Works out after work, Prefers working from home, Grew up in Chicago, From the East/West Coast, Enjoys DIY projects, Same birth month as you, Goes all-out on holiday decorating, Has a child under the age of 5, Enjoys baking, Has visited at least 5 countries, Enjoys gardening, Prefers coffee over tea, Has had more than 3 different job titles, Enjoys science fiction movies, Buys a coffee every morning, Prefers tea over coffee, Favourite drink is water, Is born the same month as you and Is born the same year as you.

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