This bingo card has 30 words: Swearing, A thousand miles the song, Honk, Faith making a tiktok, Mum on a call, Harry styles, Eating, Mum picking chin hair, Mum talking to grandma, Grandma singing, Mum singing, The song yellow, Free one!, Faith singing, Me in one of faiths tiktoks, Faith sticking her phone on the window, The news, Mum talking to herself, Mum talking to me, Mum talking to faith, Grandma talking to mum, Grandma watching reels, Grandma talking to me, Grandma talking to faith, Grandma talking to herself, Swearing, Swearing, Swearing, Swearing and Swearing.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Swearing (6)
Mums Oberon Road Trip | Devon off-key trying to harmonise with the song talking to herself muting for ads FREE texting her friends spamming me with reels "pookie" being "productive" | Wisneski Christmas | Christmas Bingo | Family
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