Server Bingo Dec 1 - 7

Server Bingo Dec 1 - 7 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: LSC, Wine Feature, Carrot Cake, Spin dip with crab meat, Up in Smoke, Add Tail, Upsell Cocktail, Add On, Gift card, Bowl of soup with entrée, PPA 65%, Seabass, Bottle of wine, Add protein to salad, After dinner cocktails, LSC, Add 1/2# legs, LBW 20%, After Dinner Coffee, Char Oysters, Smoke any OF, Sharkfin Pie, Wine Feature, Bottle Water, Twin Tails, Felit, Expresso Martini, LSC, SH sampler, Bottle of wine, Add tail, Gift Card, Smoke any OF and Char Oyster.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: LSC (3), Wine Feature (2), Bottle of wine (2), Smoke any OF (2)

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