re community game awards night

re community game awards night Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: dino crisis remake (fat chance lol), just kidding, it's MONSTER HUNTER!, the only re mention is merchandise, street fighter 6 DLC, a random capcom game gets a switch port, how about that dragon dogma DLC!, ace attorney mentioned, new resident evil cgi adaption, a spinoff nobody wanted, new re title but protags are all men!, monster hunter mobile game lol, actually, it's nothing burger! some obscure title, resident evil 5 remake trailer, devil may cry 6, resident evil 0 remake trailer, rebecca chambers is protag (i wish), resident evil 9 trailer, resident evil but it's something that's remastered, new re content but it's a light novel!, some monster hunter wilds promotion that entices nobody, jill valentine appearance, code veronica remake trailer, dead rising DLC for a new mode and another capcom vs. marvel because why not kill ourselves.

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