Hallmark Christmas Movie Bingo

Hallmark Christmas Movie Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Single parent, Too many Christmas decorations in one place, Someone returns to a small town, Snow storm, Proposal, Non-copyrighted Christmas song in background, Insurmountable thing that the relationship could obviously never get past, Someone owns a small business, Unrealistic video chat quality, Giant Christmas tree, Someone works/dresses as a Santa/Elf, Protagonist in unhappy relationship, Someone drinks a Christmas drink like cocoa or eggnog, Two people almost kiss but don't, Meet cute involves an accident, Someone has a Christmas-y name like Holly or Nick, Deceased love one, Nothing in that cup, Unexplained Christmas magic, Someone attends a Christmas market/festival/concert, Christmas tree shopping, Parent bulldozes a boundary, Baking/cooking scene, Mistletoe, Wise elder gives advice, Ugly Christmas sweater, Precocious child plays wingman, Sassy best friend, Scumbag male character, That's not snow, Someone wears a red coat, How do you afford that home, Over the top extended family and Man implied to be the real Santa.

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