11th Grade Bingo

11th Grade Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Knows what to do if someone is choking, Knows their own blood pressure, Knows how to do CPR, Knows how many calories men need/day, knows how many calories women need/day, Exercises 5-6 times per week, can name a food high in cholesterol, can name 2 risk factors for heart disease, can give a fruit/vegetable for each color of the rainbow, can name 2 signs of a heart attack, can name 2 signs of a stroke, can name a food that is trans fat free, knows what CDC stands for, knows a sign of choking, can name the #1 cause of type II diabetes, Where an AED is located in MHS, had Mrs. Battis for 9th grade, had Mr. Burton for 9th grade, had Mr. Dwyer for 9th grade, can name a fruit high in potassium, who are the 2 harass. mediators, knows the extension number for the nurse, knows what street we are on in MHS and gets an average of 7 hours of sleep during the week.

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