This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Gets a 1on1 date, First impression Rose, “Here for the right reasons”, “Here for the wrong reasons”, “Can I steal you”, someone gets time twice before others have a turn, “The most dramatic season ever”, Journey to find love mentioned, Sob story on night one, Enters mansion in vehicle (not the limo), Enters mansion wearing costume, Girls pretend the run down mansion is peak luxury, First kiss of the season, Contestant is a nurse, Grant’s height mentioned, Physical violence on group date, Cocktail party is cancelled, Hot tub as part of the date, introduced to Grant via joke/pick up line, Gives Grant a gift, Contestant competed in pageants, Someone gets drunk, Someone doesn’t get time with Grant and Date card delivered.
GRANT | Bachelor Bingo | Bachelor Bingo | Bachelor Bingo | The Bachelor - Grant Week 2
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