This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Leaving a space in text posts to accentuate the punchline, Weeb trash, Posting endless pedalboard pics, Actually liking black licorice, "Stoked", "I'm tired", GODZILLA, Rolling Rock, "I need this gear but I have no money", Going to the gym once every three weeks, Always Sunny quotes, Wearing flannel all year, Weird memes, Guitar playing profile pic, "Hey you should DM my D&D game", Heaping piles of self-doubt, "Killer", Agreeing to everything, Regretting agreeing to everything, Socially inept, Random dog pics, "I've been watching Star Trek since I was 3", Putting stickers on your guitar and "Ah, Denton".
Zach Palmer Bingo | Taylor Swift Bingo | Round Four: Taylor Swift | TAYLOR SWIFT: Round Four | SmallSteps Bingo
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