This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ran several 5K events, Has been to Hawaii & Cancun, Beach is favorite place, Caught & detained armed burglar until police arrived, Relaxes by cooking, Traveled 10 different countries & 18 out of 50 states, Family dog was Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Favorite ride is a tractor, Has hidden Harry Potter tattoo, Has seen the Rolling Stones 5 times, Wanted to be a movie star, People used to think they worked at Walmart, State Bowling Youth competition finalist, Loves to skate, Has a minor in French, Is the oldest of 5 siblings, Has a rescue dog, Favorite show is Gilmore Girls, Never been on airplane, Only member of family not born in NWA, Listening to PItbull helps focus on the job, Has wanted to be a photographer, Was a gymnast and Grew up on a farm.
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