Department of Innovation and Technology Bingo

Department of Innovation and Technology Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: irthplace is Puerto Rico, Can speak 3 different languages, Visited 20 states, Work for City of Detroit 30 years, Favorite Color blue, Rides the bus to work, Favorite Color is purple, Travel to India in last 6 months, Loves to Act, Can fly a airplane, Lives at least 50 miles from Detroit, Have 3 children, Have 5 siblings, Has only 1 child, Graduated Detroit School, Detroit Lion Season Ticket Holder, Loves to play golf, Lives Downtown, Lived in 3 different states, Married 10 years, Birthplace Detroit, Move to Detroit within last 6 months, Drives a Foreign Car, Would like to drive a racecar, Loves to play golf, Lives Downtown, Lived in 3 different states, Loves to Act, Can fly a airplane, Lives at least 50 miles from Detroit, Have 3 children, Rides the bus to work, Favorite Color is purple, Travel to India in last 6 months, Have 5 siblings, Has only 1 child, Graduated Detroit School, Detroit Lion Season Ticket Holder, Married 10 years, Birthplace Detroit, Move to Detroit within last 6 months, Drives a Foreign Car, Would like to drive a racecar, Birthplace is Puerto Rico, Can speak 3 different languages, Visited 20 states, Work for City of Detroit 30 years and Favorite Color blue.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Can speak 3 different languages (2), Visited 20 states (2), Work for City of Detroit 30 years (2), Favorite Color blue (2), Rides the bus to work (2), Favorite Color is purple (2), Travel to India in last 6 months (2), Loves to Act (2), Can fly a airplane (2), Lives at least 50 miles from Detroit (2), Have 3 children (2), Have 5 siblings (2), Has only 1 child (2), Graduated Detroit School (2), Detroit Lion Season Ticket Holder (2), Loves to play golf (2), Lives Downtown (2), Lived in 3 different states (2), Married 10 years (2), Birthplace Detroit (2), Move to Detroit within last 6 months (2), Drives a Foreign Car (2), Would like to drive a racecar (2)

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.